Everything about cutting machines
Transfer presses – Foils and material – Tools and more!
Cutting machine material from plottiX
In our range you will find high-quality plotter material and accessories at reasonable prices. From foils and cutting mats to transfer presses. Give free rein to your creativity and realize your ideas with our materials.
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Dealer inquiries
Would you like to become a plottiX sales partner? Please contact us by e-mail at info@plottix.de.
Our sales team will be happy to help you with your inquiries and product selection.
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plottiX Catalog
Download the new plottiX catalog now. Here you will find our entire plottiX range, from plotting materials to heat presses, tools and accessories.
DownloadInstructions & Help
We have summarized some helpful information to help you get started with plottiX products.
In addition to instructions, you will also find all blade settings and press-on times for our films and products here,
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