Heat press pillow

Available in

  • 20 cm x 20 cm
  • 20 cm x 30 cm
  • 38 cm x 38 cm


You want to embellish a jacket with a custom design, but the zipper is interfering with transferring your design onto the fabric? Then the compensation cushion is just right for you!

The heat press pillow helps to compensate for the difference in height of a zipper, button, or even a thicker seam, so that the heat press can evenly apply your design onto the fabric.

And here’s how it works:

  1. Place your heat press pillow under the fabric (or even inside the fabric, for example in a jacket).
  2. Then position your design on the textile.
  3. Empfehlenswert ist nun noch eine hitzebeständige Antihaftfolie zum Schutz der Transferpresse über das Design zu legen.
  4. You can now start your pressing process.
    During the pressing process, the zipper, button, or thicker seam is now pressed into the heat press pillow below, allowing the heat from the press to evenly affect the design.